🔸 List of documents accepted as proof of residency:
- Utility bills (electricity, water, telephone, etc.).
- Monthly bank statements.
- Payslip issued by a public institution.
- Print of Internet Banking where it appears: your full name, address, bank logo and issue date on the same page.
- Certificate of Permanent Residence (Visa) from the local body.
- Last year's income tax return - IRPF (financial data must be covered)
- Declaration of Residence in your name and notarized. Note that it is necessary to be in the 1st person (eg: I, ___, bearer of the document___, declare that...).
- Active Account Statement if you have an account at any Digital Bank (Nubank, Banco Inter, ModalMais, etc).
🔸 List of requirements for documents to be accepted:
- Documents cannot have an issue date older than 6 months.
- Documents must be sent in their entirety. (full sheet)
- All relevant information must be contained on the same sheet of the document.
- The system only accepts the first page sent. If the PDF has multiple pages, please send only the relevant page.
- Documents can never be in the name of third parties, even if they are direct family members (father, mother, siblings, wife, husband).
- The information that must be present is: Full name, address, issue date, logo.